Get up close and personal with.....

Kevin Scott Richardson



Dream girl: Honest, with a nice smile and style

Dream date: Dinner, a movie, and dancing

One wish: To see his Father again.

Self-description: Honest, sincere, dedicated, shy guy

Recent Vehicle Purchased: Black Toyota 4-runner limited

Historical era he would like to visit: Medieval times-knights and castles, 1960's

Something new he would like to try: Skydiving

Surprise fact: He used to work at Walt disney World as a tour guide and asAladdin and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in parades and shows

If he weren't in show biz: He'd be a teacher or a coach

Secret confession: He wished he had AJ's voice cuz AJ has that raspy soul-funk

Major crush: Liv Taylor

Relationships: Kevin was engaged at the age of 19 but he never married, now he wants to settle down and have a family.


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