Get up close and personal with.....

Howie Dwaine Dorough



Dream girl: A girl who has a good head on her shoulders and knows what she wants in life.

Dream date: Going out for a candlelit dinner, then to the movies, out dancing, and finally out to a walk on the beach at night.

Self-description: Honest, sincere person who cares about other people and their feelings

Best quality: Being a perfectionist

Worst quality: Being a perfectionist and sleeping late

Historical era he would like to visit: The 1950's cuz he loves the style of music anf living back then.

If he was an inanimate object: He would be a car cuz he likes living on the fast lane

Who he would like to ask out to dinner: Cindy Crawford

What he brings on the road: His book bag, which has his whole house in it. CD player, CDs, cassette player, Spanish books, sunglasses, he has just about everything and anything. He also brings a pocket sized tape recorder and records his thoughts and observations.

Most prized possession: His family and his career

Secret confession: He sleeps in his undies

Secret disguise: Baseball cap

Secret habit: He snores

Secret dream: to cruise around the Caribbean in a sailboat

Little known facts: He was in one of the last classroom scenes of the movie Parenthood and starred in the pilot ot Nickelodeon's Welcome Freshman. He was also in Cop and a Half

Known as: The Group's peacemaker

Secret desire: He's in the process or growing his hair long, he wants it passed his shoulders


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