Brian Thomas Littrell



Full name: Brian Thomas Littrell

Nicknames: Frick, B Rok, Seaver, Mr. Joker, B

Birthday: February 20, 1975

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Birth place: Lexington, Kentucky

Current residence: Orlando, FL

Weight: 135 lb

Height: 5'7"

Hair: Dirty Blonde, light brown

Eyes: Blue

Parents: Harold and Jackie Littrell

Siblings: Older brother Harold

Pet: Cat- Missy

First ambitions: Singing and sports

Musical instruments: Trumpet

Regular hobbies: Playing nintendo or basketball with Nick, weight lifting, and listening to music

BSB group position: Lead vocals

Relationship status: Single

Image: Funny guy

High School: Tates Creek High School

Car: Jeep Cherokee


Singer/producer: Babyface

Musical groups: Boyz II Men, Jodeci, Bobby Brown

Singer: Luther Vandross

Song: Too many to name

Movies: Star Wars, almost everything by Jim Carrey

Date movies: Sleepless in Seattle, While You Were Sleeping

Actors: Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey

Actresses: Sandra Bullock, Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore

TV shows: Friends, reruns of Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Food: Cheese pizza, macaroni and cheese

Breakfast: Frosted flakes, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice

Ice cream: Plain vanilla with chocolate chips

Drink: Ginger ale and iced tea

Colors: Midnight blue

School subject: Math

Sports: Basketball, golf, swimming

Pastimes: Going to the movies, listening to music

Hobbies: Weight lifting, Basketball

Getaway place: Home

Colognes: Photo de Lagerfeld, Safari

Clothes: Tommy Hilfiger

Car: Mercedes Benz

Dislikes/least faves:

Biggest dislike: Racism

School subject: English


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